We treat hepatitis B&C with our natural products.
Our detoxification cures help regenerate the body's cells.
Reliable and Safe Processing

see evidence


Stop taking pharmaceutical antiretrovirals that interfere with the body with heavy side effects and
choose for a reliable natural treatment without constraints with real possibilities for a complete
cure from hepatitis B&C.

Contact psamgreen


The company Psamgreen formerly called Cret Médecine Douce (1997 to 2006), was founded in 2007 by two members of a family recognized as researchers in natural health throughout Central Africa, It is a research center and of technological studies (RCTS) endowed with experienced scientists with appropriate knowledge allowing the study of raw materials for social purposes to better guarantee….Read More



Natural antiretroviral to stop viral replication while improving the level of CD-4
It is probably the most effective, versatile natural agent for stimulating and strengthening ...
Natural product aimed at vital functioning and strengthening of white blood cells
Natural product with multiple preventive and curative antibacterial molecules
Natural antiviral for the treatment of hepatitis B and D in cases of HD / HB co-infection
Natural product designed with vigor than any other singular and natural substance
Natural antiviral for the treatment of hepatitis C (genotype 1 to 6)
Natural antiviral and anti-inflammatory primarily used for treatment
Natural antiviral with various molecules in order to fulfill a specific function


Steve 33 years old residing in Morocco, I had been suffering from HB / HD hepatitis virus coinfection for over 3 years after following pharmaceutical antiviral treatments for several years.

I presented a Gamma GT of more than 85Ul, HB more than 3 million copies with a great feeling of fatigue. After an online consultation with the specialist, my prescription was the natural product Effihep 330ml in large quantities and Gezena 330ml for against this intense fatigue.

I was diagnosed with HIV / HCV coinfection in 2015, I previously took pharmaceutical antiviral and antiretroviral treatments without a solution. Then I decided to look into natural health to improve my condition, I found your website and it interested me.