Natural treatment for hepatitis C

Get rid of hepatitis B, C, D in 4 months with our natural antivirals without side effects hepirax … etc. protect your liver for those with hepatitis C

Hepatitis C, which is already considered by conventional medicine to be an incurable disease, can be treated if it is screened in time, contrary to what we are led to believe. 80% of the hepatitis C virus is transmitted by blood, blood transfusion or intravenous drug injection. A healthy lifestyle is recommended for carriers of the hepatitis C virus, alcohol consumption is prohibited. For overweight people a weight loss diet is necessary to reduce enzyme activity and facilitate antiviral therapy.

Hepatitis C refers to an inflammatory mechanism in the liver causing damage to liver cells (hepatocytes).

The liver is the organ that generally communicates with the spleen and lungs. People with chronic hepatitis C are more at risk of getting several lung infections and even bronchitis.

With this in mind, nature has brought us a multitude of natural remedies that treat meticulously. With our natural antivirals we give great importance to the strengthening and protection of organs as well as the immune system and a decrease in the rate of viral replication. During acute infection, regardless of the type of virus involved, damaged cells release intracellular enzymes (transaminases) which are found in high levels in the blood. The chronic phase of hepatitis is characterized by a progressive decrease in hepatic functions, with a deficit of factors produced by the liver (albumin, prothrombin and coagulation factors), a deficit in the hepatic metabolism of drugs and hormones, an increase persistent transaminases and bilirubin levels (if there is a circle of bile duct obstruction). When chronic hepatitis progresses to cirrhosis, it establishes a circulation difficulty in the liver which causes hypertension of the feeding vessels (portal hypertension and esophageal varices).


Symptoms start to appear 4 to 5 weeks after infection and after. Acute Viral Hepatitis: Short-Term Symptoms is where the hepatitis virus meets the body.

The first phase corresponds to:

  • Significant fatigue
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Sometimes joint pain
  • Skin rashes

The second phase: onset of jaundice, the fever stops

  • Jaundice
  • Dark urine
  • Hepatomegaly (large liver)
  • Clear stool
  • Nausea
  • Increased spleen in some cases
  • Hepatic encephalopathy…etc.

Possible complications in chronic hepatitis B and C:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver, almost 1/5 of people with chronic hepatitis B
  • Liver cancer, less than 5/100 in individuals with cirrhosis.

With chronic hepatitis C, we see the same complications. Liver cells can be infected with the virus, which is automatically destroyed by the immune system forming fibrous scars. When fibrosis develops rapidly and makes it difficult for the liver to function, it is referred to as <>, most often fatal.

Chronic hepatitis B and C promote the development of cirrhosis and cancer in some people. Regarding hepatitis D, in case of HDV / HBV coinfection with a very active HDV virus and some liver complications, we can say that hepatitis D also promotes or facilitates the onset of cirrhosis.

Interactions with anti-HIV drugs

The following drugs may intensify the side effects associated with ribavirin:

  • AZT (zidovudine, Retrovir), also present in Combivir and Trizivir — avoid;
  • d4T (stavudine, Zerit) – avoid;
  • ddI (didanosine, Videx EC) —not to be used at the same time as ribavirin.


Hepatic cirrhosis is a general term designating destruction of liver cells and their replacement by scar tissue, it is accompanied by varying degrees of impairment of liver functions, all diseases that affect the liver can eventually lead to cirrhosis. Prolonged absorption of alcohol can cause the onset of cirrhosis of the liver (alcoholic cirrhosis), alcohol remains the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver in most countries around the world, it is believed that lesions of the Liver cells result from the combination of the toxic effects of alcohol and the unhealthy diet typically seen in alcoholics.

Symptoms of cirrhosis

They vary with the degree of destruction of the liver, some cases will go undetectable for years. At a later stage, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss may appear. As the disease progresses, the disease becomes listless, weakens, loses all energy, the legs and abdomen swell (edema and ascites); jaundice (jaundice) may appear; the patient’s mental state deteriorates. Some formidable complications can arise; digestive hemorrhages. Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver begins with eliminating the causes of liver cell intoxication; alcohol, infections, bile duct blockage, etc. At first, the size of the liver may increase or remain normal; at a very advanced stage, it is sometimes very reduced (atrophy), we can also see an increase in the volume of the spleen. Natural treatment is recommended, but with a lot of risk you can also try surgery.

Compensated and decompensated cirrhosis

Patients with compensated cirrhosis have a very high nutrient requirement. Malnutrition has a negative effect on the clinical outcome of decompensated cirrhosis and is a harbinger of recovery or survival in patients with cirrhosis.

Hepatic encephalopathy

It is a complication in cirrhotic patients and is considered to be a deterioration in mental activity showing signs of confusion and disorientation. The main cause of hepatic encephalopathy is failure of the liver, which has difficulty dealing with the build-up of products from protein breakdown.

Ascites, weight and steatosis

Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Its main cause is the excessive sodium retention, it is one of the complications responsible for cirrhosis, Its treatment requires dietary sodium restriction.

Hepatic steatosis, or fatty liver, is the buildup of fat in liver cells. It remains an obstacle to the success of HCV treatment and is present in most patients of hepatitis C. The disease is generally associated with obesity or the mechanism linked to visceral adiposity, it is a sign of the onset of the development of other liver diseases. Overweight patients should adopt regular physical activity, eat a healthy diet, slight weight loss is important.

Malnutrition contributes to the progression of the disease and is partly responsible for its potentially fatal complications. Part of the success of treatment is good nutrition, and eating well is just as important as taking medication.

Roles of the liver

The liver is the largest organ in the body, it is fundamental for the good activity of our body. Synthesizes bile for proper digestion of fats, removes toxic substances from the blood, stores vitamins.

The liver performs more than 400 functions, we consider that several dysfunctions or diseases of the body are more or less related to the liver.

  • Stores vitamins
  • Detoxic
  • Synthesizes proteins
  • produces bile
  • produces hormones… ..etc.

The main causes of impaired functioning of the liver are:

  • Either by an alteration of liver cells (following infection, intoxication, cirrhosis, cancer, etc.)
  • Either by the obstruction of the bile flow channels (tumor, calculus, etc.)

Liver disease is common, but it does not always manifest itself because the liver has an extraordinary capacity to compensate for its alterations and to function satisfactorily despite the damage it may suffer. A liver attack is a term that rarely covers abnormalities in liver function, but rather overeating, emotional shocks, or various diseases of the stomach, intestine and gallbladder.

Jaundice or jaundice is caused by an abnormal concentration of bile pigments in the blood which stain the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Jaundice is commonly called jaundice because of the yellowish appearance of the patient. Jaundice is not always of primary hepatic origin, it may be due to excessive destruction of red blood cells (haemolysis), or to an accumulation of bile in the blood following a gallbladder disease, bile ducts, pancreas or other organs adjacent to the liver. When the bile ducts are blocked, bile can no longer flow and collects in the liver, severe damage to liver cells and impaired function can result. Such a condition, if it persists, can induce a form of cirrhosis.

The liver can also be affected by bacterial infections, as some bacteria can cause generalized liver infections or abscesses. Most often, it is a complication of another disease (appendicitis, colitis, etc.). Thanks to antibiotics, these complications have become rare. Infectious mononucleosis can present the same clinical picture as in common viral hepatitis


The liver can be affected by cancer, it can be primary (of hepatic origin) or secondary to cancerous involvement of another organ. The exact causes of primary liver cancer are unknown, but it is known that liver cancer is much more common after cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis. On the other hand, certain toxic substances (arsenic, vinyl chloride, etc.) seem to favor it. Liver metastases (secondary cancers) are very common and the liver remains the organ most often affected by digestive, bronchitis, thyroid or breast metastases.

The symptoms of liver cancer vary a lot depending on the extent and the nature of the attack, generally we observe: weight loss, general fatigue (asthenia), loss of appetite (anorexia) and nodular hypertrophy liver. All the symptoms of serious liver disease can exist: jaundice, hemorrhages, edema of the legs, ascites.

Surgical treatment of liver cancer is only possible if the involvement is localized, which then allows part of the gland to be removed (controlled hepatectomy)


When should surgery be done to treat liver damage?

  • In case of liver injury, following a trauma (road accident, gunshot wounds, bladed weapons),
  • In case of abscesses which are usually complications of other diseases,
  • In case of cysts, the most frequent being hydatid cysts due to the development of Echinococcus larvae transmitted by dogs,
  • In the event of benign tumors or lymphatic tumors,
  • In the event of cancer affecting only an isolated segment of the liver,

Certain cirrhosis,

How do you diagnose a liver injury?

The patients show signs of shock and internal bleeding, we find the notion of trauma to the abdomen. The upper right part of the abdomen is swollen and painful. It is not necessary to operate when there is an injury to the liver, if the bleeding is minimal, the intervention may be left alone and the condition monitored. On the other hand, a burst liver is a serious injury, but rapid surgery allows many to survive.

Do we necessarily have to operate on all liver abscesses?

Not always, our natural products often allow the patient to heal without intervention, however if there is a large amount of pus in the liver, surgical drainage is required.

Is it possible to operate on a liver tumor?

Benign tumors are most often successfully operated on. For cancers, it all depends on the invasion: you can operate on cancers that have not spread throughout the liver.

What is the nature of the surgical procedures performed in cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis prevents blood from circulating through the liver, so operations performed aim to divert circulation around the liver and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding from hypertension. We practice the diversions between the portal system (blood arriving at the liver and the vena cavae. These operations for cirrhosis of the liver are serious, but good results can be obtained. After the ablation of part of the liver, all the functioning returns. normally.

Find the first part in: natural treatment for viral diseases

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What is AIDS?

HIV: the AIDS virus

What is a retrovirus?

Transmission and symptoms of AIDS

HIV, when it enters and infects the body, mainly attacks lymphocytes (a variety of white blood cells) called T-4 through the CD-4 receptors.

Virus carriers 

HIV infection can remain dormant for several years without showing any clinical signs and without the patient noticing that he is sick, that is, a carrier of the AIDS virus. Another possibility is that periodically the DNA of the virus, inserted into the genome of the infected cell, instructs the biosynthetic apparatus of the cell to produce protective envelope proteins and viral RNA, and forming a virus that will come out of cells and infect others.

Attack on macrophages

HIV also attacks other white blood cells: macrophages It attacks them because they also have the CD-4 antigenic molecule, like T-4 lymphocytes.

Opportunistic infections

T-4 lymphocytes are fundamental components of our immune system, which is why their massive destruction makes people very vulnerable to opportunistic infections which ultimately and quite often are the causes of their death.


The body in general and T-4 lymphocytes secrete many antibodies which circulate in the blood, which bind to and neutralize viral antigens, this is called a humoral response.

The goals of HIV

There are two types of leukocytes, which are white blood cells. Both macrophage and lymphocyte, HIV infects a variety of lymphocytes, known as T-4, inside which it can remain dormant, even for more than two years. Eventually, it is destroyed, so their number decreases, and the body loses its defenses, HIV, on the other hand, does not destroy macrophages, it uses them as a reservoir. Macrophages thus transport AIDS viruses to the brain, where they cause significant damage to the nervous system.

Transmission and risky practice

The transmission routes of HIV, responsible for AIDS:

  • Sexual intercourse;
  • Contaminated blood transfusions;
  • The transplacental route, with passage of the virus from mother to fetus during pregnancy;
  • infection of the child during childbirth;
  • contagion of the infant during breastfeeding;
  • the use of syringes or other contaminated sharp or pointed objects when they come into contact with blood;
  • contact of wounds or mucous membranes (oral or vaginal) with contaminated body fluids (suppurations, blood, semen).

These mechanisms are decisive in groups which are subjected to a larger scale to the risk of contagion;

  • homosexuals,
  • intravenous drug addicts,
  • homophiles and other patients or operated, recipients of transfusions or hemodrives and children of pregnant women by the disease.

Exceptional cases;

In theory, inoculation of HIV by surgical or dental instruments is possible, and by those employed by hairdressers, manicurists, pedicures, acupuncturists.

Symptoms of AIDS

The infectious manifestations of AIDS are related to the germs responsible for pneumonia, herpetic germs (simple 1 & 2), microscopic fungi causing mycoses, cryptococci, cytomegaloviruses, the hepatitis virus (in particular the hepatitis C virus).

The first symptoms

HIV infection may be suspected when one or more of the following symptoms, not due to a known cause, persist for three months or more:

  • lymphadenopathies (swelling of the non-inguinal lymph nodes,
  • significant weight loss,
  • intermittent or continuous fever greater than 38 degrees celcius,
  • night sweats,
  • general discomfort and weakness,
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • cough
  • photophobia (intolerance to light),
  • exanthemes (rash spots on the skin),
  • nervous alterations: encephalic, meningitis, etc.,
  • digestive disorders; vomiting and diarrhea,

A few of these early signs may go away within three to nine weeks.

Possibility of treatments

Despite all the interests involved, there is not yet a drug that can beat the viral infection. However, there are various substances with retroviral activity which act on the different phases of the HIV replication cycle. The following substances have sufficient retroviral activity to be used:

  • zidovudine (previously known as AZT, or azidothymidine), which improves declared AIDS;
  • dideoxycytidine or didanosine (DDI);
  • zalcitabine;

These drugs inhibit the reverse transcriptase of HIV and paralyze the synthesis of viral DNA. Although the question is debated, in general it is considered that antiviral treatment should be started when the CD-4 cell count is less than 500 per mm3. The normal level is 1000 to 1500 CD-4 cells per mm3, and decreases as the disease progresses. Less than 500 cells per mm3 indicate that AIDS has ceased to be asymptomatic and has become a disease.

Natural treatment

We have drugs in our range of antivirals and antiretrovirals in order to completely cure HIV / AIDS, but we can strengthen the immune system of the patients concerned with our various natural vitamins (Gefine-F, Gézèna). Natural treatment with our antiretrovirals helps kill bacteria and contain the spread of viral invaders.


I was developing symptoms similar to viral illnesses but after a few test orders from Psamgreen, I found that I was suffering from chronic hepatitis B with very above normal transaminases. I asked, Only 10 weeks of treatment with the antiviral Effihep and Gezena. My first test was surprising, HB DNA undetectable after 12 weeks, I was advised to consume more for a period of 1 month, at the end of this month I waited two weeks to do a new test or I was declared negative. I expect to do another after 3 months for a confirmation. I am from Abidjan.

I suffered from hepatitis C and B viral coinfection, an ultrasound of the liver with some complications, high alkaline transaminases and phospahatases. I was prescribed as supplements: Hepirax 2 / Hepirax / Effihep for a total duration of 32 weeks. Four months later I already had undetectable HB, at the end of the treatment the HC virus was also undetectable I just waited for the seronegativity by continuing my same treatment again without side effects for 3 more months.

I was diagnosed with HIV / HCV coinfection in 2015, I previously took antiviral and antiretroviral pharmaceutical treatments without a solution. Then I decided to look into natural health to improve my condition, I found your website and it interested me. I took Hepirax and Hepirax 2 as a treatment for 5 months

I was developing symptoms similar to viral illnesses, but after a few test orders from Psamgreen, I found that I had chronic hepatitis B with a very above standard transaminase. I asked, Only 10 weeks of treatment with the antiviral Effihep and Gezena. My first test was surprising, HB DNA undetectable after 12 weeks, I was advised to consume more for a period of 1 month, at the end of this month I waited two weeks to do a new test or I was declared negative. I expect to do another after 3 months for confirmation. I am from Abidjan